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Room Windows Forensics 1 Room Creator umairalizafar, tryhackme Scenario: One of the Desktops in the research lab at Organization X is suspected to ha...
Hey you and welcome to my blog. Today i’ll be solving a challenge from BTLO called Meta. It’s under the Digital forensics category but i found it more of OSINT. The challenge was relatively easy. ...
Hey you😅! Welcome to my blog. Today i will take you through my thought process on how i was able to solve the “Paranoid” Challenge on BTLO. This is an Incident Response kinda challenge where we are...
Room Gallery Author Mikaa Difficulty Easy We first begin by performing an nmap scan to determine what ports are open and what servi...
Which TCP port is hosting a database server? Performing a simple nmap scan, we can determine what ports are open and what services they are running. ➜ kali nmap -sC -sV -p- -T4 -Pn
To Read, or Not to Read (100) You have exported the contents of a Gmail mailbox via Takeout. Looking at the exported data1, you suspect that one of the top-level messages may have been read by ...
Initial Ubuntu Server Setup Hello and welcome to this segment where i will be taking you through some of the best self hosted applications you can run in your home lab on your RaspberryPi or an Ub...
What is Portainer? Portainer is an open source toolset that allows you to easily build and manage containers in Docker, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes and Azure ACI. Portainer hides the complexity of ma...
Hey there. I’m glad you are here. Here is a writeup of the challenges i managed to solve in the first Knight CTF - an online jeopardy style Capture the Flag (CTF) competition hosted by the Knight S...