PowerView Walkthrough
PowerView.ps1 can be found here
PowerView.ps1 can be downloaded here
For more functions, check out:
Some Awesome Cheat Sheets
HarmJ0y also has a good article on using some of PowerView’s interesting functionality.
📝Personal Notes 📝
In the demo’s below, i have created an AD environment where my theme is inspired by the famous American sitcom “The Office”
I have then downloaded PowerView in one of my Windows 10 PC’s for practice Purposes.
First, you need to fireup your command prompt and type:
powershell.exe -nop -exec bypass
You then need to import the PowerView module as follows:
Import-Module [full path to powerview.ps1]
Alternatively, You could run:
powershell -ep bypass
Followed by:
. .\PowerView.ps1
From here we can start enumerating😉
We can get information about the domain as follows:
Getting information about DC’s
To query domain policies
If you wanted to look at a specific policy, you would do so as follows:
(Get-DomainPolicy)."system access"
Information such as MinimumPasswordLength
which shows 7 can enable you to know that we can try spray 7 character passwords
If we wanted to enumerate Users:
The above command spits a ton of information for all users. Assuming you are enumerating an organization with many users, this can generate a whole bunch of information. We can filter all users though by running:
Get-NetUser | select cn
Get-NetUser | select samaccountname
If we want to get all the groups a user is a member of
Get-DomainGroup -MemberIdentity username | select cn
Get-DomainGroup -MemberIdentity username | select samaccountname
If you wanted to check if the current user context has local administrator access
If you wanted to check if the current user has administrative access to the local (or a remote) machine
Lazy admins can leave behind some juicy details on the description. We can pull descriptions only by running:
Get-NetUser | select description
If we want to get all the groups a user is a member of
Get-DomainGroup -MemberIdentity username | select cn
Get-DomainGroup -MemberIdentity username | select samaccountname
To get all the effective members of a group:
Get-DomainGroupMember -Identity "Domain Admins" -Recurse
Get Information about all computers:
Enumerating what operating systems are used on the domain
Get-NetComputer | select operatingsystem
Enumerating groups
This spits a ton of information
We can summarise all the information above by running
Get-NetGroup | select name
To locate shares on hosts in the local domain
To pull Group Policy Objects (GPO’s)
This spits a ton of information
We can narrow it down by selecting specific attributes. For example
Get-NetGPO | select displayname, whenchanged, whencreated
If you have any questions, comments or would like to reach out to me: