Cheat Sheets
TOOLING These are among the common Linux command line utilities that can be used by T1 Analysts UTILITIES dig ping whois strings file curl wget Wget - Installation `sudo apt...
TOOLING These are among the common Linux command line utilities that can be used by T1 Analysts UTILITIES dig ping whois strings file curl wget Wget - Installation `sudo apt...
Hey guys, and welcome back to this new segment of automation. Today i’ll be taking you through some fundamentals that will get you started. What is ansible? Imagine a scenario where you are mana...
Yow. Welcome to this week’s writeup. Over the weekend i got a chance to participate in the TJCTF 2022 CTF where i played with my team fr334aks-Mini. The CTF was jeopardy style running for 48hrs wit...
Hey guys & welcome to this new segment where i’ll be sharing some Linux tips from time to time. For a long time i’ve wanted to learn how to use “Swiss Army applets of linux”, one of them being ...
Task 1 Which TCP port is open on the machine? ➜ nmap -sC -sV -p- -T4 Starting Nmap 7.92 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2022-05-18 13:08 EDT Nmap scan report for (10.12...
What is considered to be one of the most essential skills to possess as a Penetration Tester? dir busting What switch do we use for nmap’s scan to specify that we want to perform version detectio...
What does the acronym VM stand for? Virtual Machine What tool do we use to interact with the operating system in order to start our VPN connection? terminal What service do we use to form our V...
We first begin by performing a simple nmap scan to determine what ports are open and services running behind them. ➜ nmap -sC -sV -p- -T4 Starting Nmap 7.92 ( https://nmap.org ) at...
What does the 3-letter acronym FTP stand for? file transfer protocol What communication model does FTP use, architecturally speaking? client-server model What is the name of one popular GUI FTP...
What does the 3-letter acronym RDP stand for? Remote Desktop Protocol What is a 3-letter acronym that refers to interaction with the host through a command line interface? CLI What about graphi...